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Reverse Engineering: Unraveling the Secret Structure of Wedding Cakes

Ron Ben-Israel  (Chef/Owner, Ron Ben-Israel Cakes)

Hiroyuki Aihara  (Designer, Ron Ben-Israel Cakes)

Location: Floridian D

Date: Sunday, February 23

Time: 3:15 pm - 4:15 pm

Track: Techniques

Session Includes: Discussion or Demo

Vault Recording: TBD

It's time to deconstruct! This class will be a measure of great "altitude!" How stable is the average wedding cake? Let's take a look at a cake flown in from New York City, on ice. Cake Genius Ron Ben-Israel will then disassemble it in front of the audience, exposing the interior and revealing the secrets to ensure a stable cake can be transported safely. You will also learn the most scientific way to cut, portion, plate, and serve a wedding cake. Some audience members will be able to taste the cake afterward, to also test flavor and moistness after its storied trip in the air.

Presentation Files
